Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Living Fully, Loving Dangerously

I have almost finished reading a book called "Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle" by Kent Annan. Diving into this story of a young missionary couple's life in Haiti has been exhilarating and convicting at the same time. I am finishing (hopefully) my last year of college beginning this fall, and will soon have the opportunity to struggle and grow for God as this family describes in their story (probably not in the same way, but part of the excitement is reading their story and wondering how mine will turn out).

Honestly, I have needed a reminder of this. I have obviously never really been a regular blogger, but this semester has been particularly dry. The move from my beloved Wheaton to Purdue was very rough, especially after circumstances separated me from most of my new-found Purdue relationships, leaving me with one friend to pull me through the dark lonely winter semester. Returning from this dreary semester, I picked up work in my little grey cubicle surrounded by empty cubicles on all sides. I've been coming home in the evenings completely exhausted from the sheer lifelessness of my work. In short, I have desperately needed something to remind me of the future I'm working towards (I realize that might sound very dramatic, but it's very hard to describe in flat words how much I needed motivation to make things worthwhile again).

Anyways, I'm really excited now about the possibilities that God will provide, but I'm also very nervous about knowing which path to take. I guess that's all for now. :)