Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Perhaps too Deep for Beginners...

Instead of dwelling solely on our forgiveness (which I'm not saying should be overlooked, by the way), she emphasized that when Jesus dwells in us, He radiates righteousness through us. It was the righteousness that I had forgotten. Not only does God forgive us, but He declares us to be obedient, and labels us as righteous despite our sinful being. REALLY? How have I been missing that for so long??? What an essential reason to rejoice in God! Not only are we initially washed clean, but we are declared righteous from then on! I think I had been feeling that every time I sinned after accepting God's forgiveness, I would have to be washed clean AGAIN. AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN. And certainly we must confess to God our sins, our faults, and our misconducts, and be ashamed when we realize that we've sinned against God. But it doesn't force us to start over from the beginning again! We have been declared righteous by God, and no earthly power can rip that from us.

So, that was my first revelation of the week. The second was this... I dwell so much on how much I hate my current situation and forget how amazing God's gifts to me have been. In the past month or so, my thoughts have not only been on my struggles with civil engineering, but on how hurt I was by my former roommate's treatment of me. Then, in the same discussion with my psychologist, she asked what was different between my relationship with my roommate and my relationship with my friends at Wheaton. It was pondering that question that reminded me of how blessed I have been by the friends that have always stuck around. I am still dealing with the pain of realizing that I placed more importance in a relationship with someone than she placed in it and in me, but now, God is showing me just how incredible and consistent the friends that remain with me truly are. 

I've never been able to adequately say these sorts of things to people face-to-face. It is a shortcoming that may make me even more ashamed than my other sins. Shame that I don't dwell upon such blessings enough. Shame that when I am reminded of these things, I don't share my thankfulness with others. What good does it do to keep these things walled up inside? I have never bothered to push pass my own fear of rejection to say what an amazing amount of good you have been in my life. So, since I still can't say it face-to-face, here it is now. 

Before I wrap up this post, I want to tell you how I (haltingly and imperfectly) described how I feel about the relationships that have lasted. With those relationships, we have been open. In being open, we don't simply share the pieces of ourselves that we want others to see, but have been honest about our shortcomings. We know each other to be imperfect, flawed people, and yet we rejoice in each other all the same. Something about knowing someone on their worst day makes the good ones seem so much more real. They move from something fleeting and temporary to something real and lasting. So, thank you for sharing so much of yourselves with me, and thank you for being there when I act or feel small and mean.


Brett said...

dear Schkund thank you for writing! I'm sorry to hear that things have been tough on you recently and that you've had to struggle with yourself. I respect you a lot Schkund before, and now more so for being open.

I am glad to hear about the way the gospel is transforming you. I pray that it will revolutionize all of us. I've been realizing all the depths that are involved in the gospel and I hope to spend my lifetime uncovering it all with all you guys.

Id rather see you in person and talk but this is good for now. We are your friends not because we have to but because we want to, because of what we like about you. Keep on being Sarah Kundrat and we'll be happy to be your friends.

I also look forward to learning about gratitude for the rest of my life as well. Well all learn together.


Janakaren Hohm said...

This is awesome. So awesome.

We like to sing way too loudly in probably too public of places. I am often too brash and abrasive. I can't even describe how wonderful it is to know that you still want to hang out with me even knowing these things.

I will always remember that you were there to be my roommate when it felt that no one else in the world wanted to be. You have blessed me in so many ways, and even though we are very different in some ways (I mean, look at our hair!) we are one in Christ!!

I love you girl!

fhorngk said...

Bretterson: Things might be tough, but I think the hardest part is knowing that it's my own response to each situation that governs the magnitude of the difficulty. It is so freeing to fall back on grace and realize that God does not expect me to become perfect of my own accord. We really do need to talk face-to-face again. I can't believe it's been years since we've seen each other.

Jana: Excuse me???? You were by far the best roommate I EVER had. I don't know that I will ever again find someone to live with me that not only tolerates loud outbursts of joy/frustration/singing/squawking/etc but joins in and rejoices in it. Not to mention that I completely trashed our apartment and you bore it so patiently. I agree, it's magnificent to know we love each other just as much after living together as before. (Marry me?)

Word Verification: lartler

Janakaren Hohm said...

I am glad you don't remember those times when I didn't bear it patiently. Of course I can't remember any of those so maybe there weren't any! :P
LOL. Lartler makes me think of chortle and fart. SO I guess it is when you chortle and a fart leaks out. I miss your lovely dinosaur squawk btw.

WV: prestr - hmmm.... like when a guy pesters a girl he likes but impresses her at the same time?

ALF said...

Awwwwww, das Schkünd! I'm happy to read what's going on in your head and your life, and glad to have been a part of your life (and to continue to be a part of your life FOREVER AND EVER!!!).

This makes me think of some of the things Frederick Buechner writes about saints (I'm obsessed with Buechner, in case you didn't know that yet hehe).

He says: "In his holy flirtation with the world, God occasionally drops a handkerchief. These handkerchiefs are called saints."

He also says: "A saint is a life-giver. A saint is a human being with the same hang-ups and dark secrets and abysses as the rest of us. But if a saint touches your life, you come alive in a new way."

I am so thankful for you and all the other saints in my life. <3

WV: rorype...really not sure what this one could mean. anyone, anyone?