Sunday, December 4, 2011



I don't think it's possible for the curse of human suffering to be displayed in a more effective way. I have loved this image for such a long time because it's soooo... clear. I wish I had words to describe its perfection (which was shot by magnusmagnus of

Sometimes I am completely overwhelmed by the burden of sin upon the world. The shear magnitude of suffering that exists at any given moment can threaten to topple my precarious mental shields. In those moments, it's a picture like this that reminds me that I'm not alone in my anguish; there are other people who can understand and appreciate the desire for a better world and the pain of its current state of existence.

Apathy is our worst enemy. Don't try to fix everything. Find one thing that needs healing and let God use you to stitch the wounds together again.


Brett said...

Media does demand a lot out of us, showing us so much suffering that we can't do much about. Neil Postman has a phrase for that kind of information, but I forget what it is.
And the news usually does focus on the pains and not the joys.. but that's another discussion about the philosophy of news.

Anyway, I tend to react wrongly by just being desensitized to all the information. Thank you for being a better witness to how we should be.

I agree: let's focus on what we can do. Its also comforting to remember all the others out there and the friends and family people (should) have supporting them.

word = binaterc. Verb- To pretend to be Turkish.

fhorngk said...

You have a lot of good things to say, Bretterson. I didn't mean to point fingers as much as just to appreciate the magnitude of the emotion conveyed in the photo and what it means for me. It can be really easy to get bogged down in all of the apathy that exists around me. To be with other people that care, that can't bear for things to stay the same and not do something about it... it's uplifting.

ALF said...

Love this post, love the picture, love you. And definitely agree about feeling overwhelmed by the world and its fallenness. You're right, though, we need to fight against the little part of it we're each in, doing the kingdom work of redemption... alpine falcon, known for its daring rescues of lost skiiers after avalanches...

B'son's definition for his word=HILARIOUS.