Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Clicker Happy

I love photography. I can't claim to be an amazing photographer, but I love trying to capture the little bits of beauty I find. I usually don't try to create a message through my photos, I just love taking pictures.

I took this picture during the winter a couple of years ago. I'm pretty sure it was my first Christmas break that I had during college. It was unnaturally warm that December, so I went out driving with my younger sister along some of the more scenic roads. This was a beautiful area. There is a covered bridge nearby, with a creek and horses grazing nearby, and there are trees everywhere. That tends to be rather unusual, coming from the suburbs where all of the new neighborhoods are filled with little saplings and the wind blows across the empty grassy lawns to rattle my bedroom window at night.

While I can't say that I'll ever be able to take pictures professionally, I have joined flickr because I enjoy taking photographs so much. Should you care to view more, my flickr account is Look at some of the photos my contacts have taken! Their pictures are gorgeous!

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